12 Monthly Dividend Stocks - For Dividend Income Seekers

Short of getting a promotion or taking a second job, most of us won’t wake up tomorrow with an increase in our incomes. But what if there was a way to organize your investments so that your dividend payments were scheduled each month

We call it “The Dividend Income Machine.” It's a strategy that wise investors have been using for as long as stocks have been traded. It’s a specially designed dividend portfolio for those looking for a more steady stream of dividend income.

First, we select stocks with extremely high safety ratings. Second, we build a portfolio out of these stocks which have scheduled dividends in each of the 12 months.

No more getting dividend stocks on random quarterly dates. And no more worrying about high-risk high-volatility stocks. This portfolio only holds stocks that have annually hiked their dividends for at least the last 25 years.

To access this list of 12 dividend stocks, you need to get our special free report “The Dividend Income Machine.”

Sign up to access your free report from Wealthy Retirement

*Past performance is not a predictor of future results. There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary. All investing involves risk. Your capital is at risk when you invest – you can lose some or all of your money. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose.

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